Hierarchies - Theme: New Public Management

8 important questions on Hierarchies - Theme: New Public Management

What are the 'Weberian principles' of bureaucracy? Name all 5.

  1. Public interest separated from private interest
  2. Regulations specify behavior
  3. Decisions are implemented from 'top-down'
  4. Bureaucracies are neutral
  5. Bureaucrats are the experts

Name the 4 challenges to the traditional model (moving away from Weber).

  1. State moves from regulatory to service providers: civil servants accountable to both the state and to their clients
  2. The administrative apparatus was vulnerable to influence by vested interests (corporations, unions, environmental groups)
  3. The rise of supra-national organizations (EU in particular) allowed local administrations to bypass national administrations: city networks
  4. Civil servants may also be utility-maximizing individuals, trying to maximize budgets and influence for personal gains

Name 3 important people within the new public management movement

  1. Milton Friedman
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. Margaret Thatcher
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Who was Milton Friedman?

  • American economist
  • Main advocate opposing Keynesian government policies
  • Privatization, deregulation, liberalization
  • During the 1980s
  • Advisor to republican president Ronald Reagan and conservative British prime minister Margaret Thatcher
  • Free market economic system with minimal government intervention in social matters

Name 6 characteristics of New Public Management

  1. Run the public sector as a company: managers, strive for profit, targets, measures
  2. Privatize public goods: putting a price on nature (water, waste)
  3. Agencification: agencies, different from ministries, technocratic
  4. Competition: everything should be done in competition, the most for the least price
  5. Decentralization: D66, local decisions, as local as possible, close to the citizens
  6. Empower citizens: to engage in policy processes, power to the people

What is the basic framework of New Public Management? (4)

  • Principles: what to get things done (government, state, ministries)
  • Agents: the ones that are actually carrying out what the principles want (executive agencies, purchasing agencies, regulators)
  • Tendering/bidding: creating competitions (tournaments, auctions)
  • Players: carrying out what the government told them what to do (entrepreneurs, corporations (private or public), organizations)

Name 3 criticisms of New Public Management

  1. A common denominator for success (such as profit) is lacking
    1. Effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness aren't the only important factors
    2. Consider justice, equity, transparency, fairness
  2. Increasingly fragmented government
    1. Different ministries and agencies, European, local
    2. Ministries and agencies are not connecting resulting in sub-par performance
  3. Is it really small government?
    1. Development aid: where is it going?
    2. We need to evaluate, monitoring, reporting, that is also creating more government and is costing a lot of money
    3. It doesn't really lead to small government

What can you tell about the Chicago Boys in Chile?

  • Group of Chilean economists prominent around the 1970s and 1980s
  • Majority was educated at the Department of Economics of the University of Chicago under Milton Friedman
  • Upon their return to Latin America, they adopted positions in numerous South American governments
  • They advocated deregulation, privatization, and other free market policies for closely controlled economies
  • Drastic increases in unemployment that can be attributed to counter-inflation policies implemented on their advice
  • CIA helped in the bombing of Santiago, Chile
  • Dictator Pinochet

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