Chemical Mechanisms in Enzyme Catalysis - Chemical Mechanisms for Transition State Stabilization - Covalent catalysis

6 important questions on Chemical Mechanisms in Enzyme Catalysis - Chemical Mechanisms for Transition State Stabilization - Covalent catalysis

What happens with covalent catalysis?

There is a covalent intermediate fase between enzyme and  molecule. It brings the system closer to the transition state and helps to overcome the energy barrier.

What are the 2 states in covalent catalysis?

Formation and breakdown of covalent intermediate

What 2 forms of covalent catalysis are there?

Nucleophilic catalysis
Electrophilic catalysis
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What is nucleophilic catalysis?

Donation of elections form unless to the substrate, so there will be a partial covalent bond.

On what depends the strangest of a nucleophilic reaction?

Nucleophilicity, electron-donating ability , determined by basicity. So pKa and chemical nature of leaving group.
Nucleus that donates the most at pH 7 is the best.

So: +nucleophilicity --> +  covalent bond --> + enzyme activity

What is electrophilic catalysis?

Bond between cation (+) of the enzyme and the electron rich substrate molecule. Metal ions are used to get the enzyme electrophilic enough

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