Chemical bonds and reactions in biochemistry - Noncovalent Interactions in Reversible Bindings

4 important questions on Chemical bonds and reactions in biochemistry - Noncovalent Interactions in Reversible Bindings

What is electrostatic interaction?

The interaction between a negative and a positive loaded particle

its formula is f=(q1*q2)/(r^2*D)

q1 = charge first molecule
q2 = charge second molecule
r2 = distance between two molecules
D = dielectric constant
F = electrostatic interaction

What is hydrofobic interaction?

Non-polar particles go and stick together in a polar solvent. This is because they disturb the hydrogen bonds witch increases the potential energy and this is thermodynamically speaking not good. So why stick together to reduce the potential energy.

What is the VDW force?

The interaction between molecules and there attraction.
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What is the VDW contact distance?

The point with the lowest potential energy

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