Chemical Mechanisms in Enzyme Catalysis - Substrate-active site complementarity

4 important questions on Chemical Mechanisms in Enzyme Catalysis - Substrate-active site complementarity

What forces cause binding between enzyme and substrate?

  • Hydrogen bonding
  • Hydrophobic forces
  • VDW interactions
  • Electrostatic interachtons

They overcome energy that is needed to overcome the rotation freedom

What are the 5 things typical for the active site?

  1. Active site is small compared to the rest of the enzyme
  2. 3D structure, because it is made by tertiary structures
  3. The binding between substrate is non covalent
  4. Active side is in a cleft (aloof), so water is kept out.
  5. Binding is done because specific molecules bind to each other.

What is the lock and key model?

Enzyme is seen as a static structure and it can fit together as a puzzle.
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What explains the substrate selectivity?

lock and key + 3 point attachment

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