Organisational Culture - Organisational climate

3 important questions on Organisational Culture - Organisational climate

What is Organisational Climate?

Organizational climate is the level of agreement in perceptions about the organization and work environment among employees. climate research is concerned with representing employees’ shared perceptions of values in a static way as states that they experience at a point in time.

What is the difference between organisational climate and culture?

A key distinction between culture and climate is that culture is viewed as evolving over time and is studied from a sociology or anthropology viewpoint. Climate can be altered through management interventions. In sum, the difference between culture and climate is that culture is an evolved context and climate is a situation that employees are in.

What are the five aspects of ethical climate?

(1)   Caring - “Our major concern is always what is best for the other person.”

(2)   Law and Code - “People are expected to comply with the law and professional standards over and above other considerations.”
(3)   Rules - “Everyone is expected to stick by company rules and procedures.”
(4)   Instrumental - “In this company, people are mostly out for themselves.”
(5)   Independence - “Each person in this company decides for themselves what is right and wrong.”

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