Emotions and Moods - Emotional Labour

4 important questions on Emotions and Moods - Emotional Labour

How is emotional labour defined?

Emotional labour is defined as “the management of feeling to create a publicly observable facial and bodily display.”In other words, it is the effort required to effectively manage emotions to be successful on the job.

What is emotional dissonance?

Emotional dissonance is the result of the difference between the organizationally expected emotions and an employee’s inner or “real” emotions.

What is deep acting?

Deep acting happens when a desired emotional expression is achieved by changing one’s underlying felt emotion.

For example, a college professor may “psych himself up” to present a lecture to students after learning of a family member’s illness. The professor actually becomes more enthusiastic
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What is the emotional division of labour?

Emotional division of labouris defined as any explicit or implicit division of roles in which individuals vary in their requirement to use emotional abilities.

For example, in a car dealership, the general manager, customer service representatives, and sales representatives need to have high emotional abilities, but the service technicians don’t.

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