Section I - Theory X and Y

6 important questions on Section I - Theory X and Y

What are the 5 outcome variables in organisational behaviour?

1. Performance
  • Job performance (productivity)
  • Organisational citizenship behaviour
2. Work related-attitudes
  • Job satisfaction
  • Organisational commitment
3. Employee Well-Being
4. Motivation
  • Intrinsic
  • Extrinsic
5. Employee Withdrawal 
  • Turnover intentions
  • Turnover
  • Absenteeism          

What is Theory x (in leadership)?

Leaders assume that people are lazy, dislikes work and will avoid it if possible and therefor need to be controlled and directed to get them to make an effort.

What is Theory x (in leadership)?

Leaders assume that people are lazy, dislikes work and will avoid it if possible and therefor need to be controlled and directed to get them to make an effort.
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Definition Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB)

The worker's willingness to go above and beyond the expectations of a person's job description. aka extra-role performance.

What does Employee Well-Being research entail?

Some studies have examined outcomes such as emotional exhaustion, psychosomatic health complaints, and physical health symptoms.

What does employee withdrawal include?

Employee withdrawal discusses the employee quitting the organisation or being absent from work. key terms are turnover intentions (reasons why employees leave), turnover and absenteeism.

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