Perception, Decision Making and Problem Solving - Individual Decision Making

3 important questions on Perception, Decision Making and Problem Solving - Individual Decision Making

What is Mintzberg classic analaysis of the nature of manegerial work?

He found that managers have four decisional roles, including;

(1) entrepreneur -looking for new ideas and opportunities
(2) disturbance handler - resolving conflicts and choosing strategic alternatives
(3) resource allocator - deciding how to prioritize the direction of resources
(4) negotiator - protecting the interests of the business by interacting within teams, departments, and the organization.

Why are some people more indecisive than others?

(1) Personality traits play a role. Less emotionally stable leaders who fear upsetting others allow debates to drag on for too long and make compromise decisions that are not optimal.
(2) Feeling out of control and pessimism also lead to indecisiveness.
(3) Low self-esteem predicts indecisiveness, as well as attributing events to external causes and irrational beliefs

What are three factors that hinder decision making?

Three situational factors may hinder decision making:
(1) lack of information
(2) unclear or conflicting goals
(3)  the uncertainty of outcomes.

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