Perception, Decision Making and Problem Solving - Intuition

3 important questions on Perception, Decision Making and Problem Solving - Intuition

What are the four characteristics of intuition?

Intuition has been described as follows: “The essence of intuition or intuitive responses is that they are reached with little apparent effort, and typically without conscious awareness. They involve little or no conscious deliberation.”Four characteristics comprise intuition:

(1) nonconscious process
(2) involving holistic associations
(3) that are produced rapidly
(4) result in effectively charged judgments

What is the difference between common-sense and intuition?

Intuition is the unconscious operation in the brain formed by freezing sensing and judgment. By contrast, common sense is not typically repetitive; it is a more simplified thought process. Another major difference is intuition is individual and common sense is often social.

What are the benefits of relying on intuition?

Professionals often rely on their intuition and report the following benefits.

•    Expedited decision making—quicker decisions that get the job done; adapting to a changing environment.
•    Improvement of the decision in some way—provides a check and balance; allows for fairness; avoids having to rework the decision; causes one to pay more attention.
•    Facilitation of personal development—gives one more power; develops instincts; helps to apply one’s experiences; allows for positive risk-taking.
•    Promotion of decisions compatible with company culture—helps make decisions in accord with the organization’s values.

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