Ethical Aspects of Technical Risks
19 important questions on Ethical Aspects of Technical Risks
What are the reasons that the hazards of a technology cannot be predicted?
- Complexity
- Uncertainty
- Ignorance
- Ambiguity
Which different strategies engineers follow to ensure safe products?
- Inherently safe design
- Safety factors
- Negative feedback mechanism
- Multiple independent safety barriers
What is Inherently safe design?
- Higher grades + faster learning
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What is Safety factors?
What is Negative feedback mechanism?
What is Multiple independent safety barriers?
What are the four steps that a Risk assessment consist of?
- Release assessment
- Exposure assessment
- Consequence assessment
- Risk estimation
Which two kinds of releases can be distinguished?
- Incidental
- Continuous
What is Failure mode?
How can the probability of the occurrence be calculated?
- Statistical data about accidents in the past
- Event trees and fault trees
What is Fault tree?
What is Models for dose-response relationships?
What types of Models for dose-response relationships are used?
- Animal tests
- Epidemiological research
What is Animal tests?
What are the considerations for deciding whether a risk is morally acceptable?
- The degree of informed consent with the risk
- The degree to which the benefits of a risky activity weigh up against the disadvantages and risks
- The availability of alternatives with a lower risk
- The degree to which risks and advantages are justly distributed
What is Risk-cost-benefits analysis?
What is Best available technology?
What is the general form of Precautionary principle?
- The threat dimension
- The uncertainty dimension
- The action dimension
- The prescription dimension; is mandatory
What is Societal experiments?
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