Crane & Matten, 2010 - The role of ethical theory - Alternative perspectives on ethical theory

9 important questions on Crane & Matten, 2010 - The role of ethical theory - Alternative perspectives on ethical theory

What are the alternative ethical theories an alternative to? And in which context do they seem less common?

The Western modernist theories. They appear much less commonly in business ethics texts.

What are the 4 alternative ethical theories?

  1. Ethical approaches based on character and integrity (virtue ethics)
  2. Ethical approaches based on relationships and responsibility (ethic of care)
  3. Ethical approaches arrived at through a deliberative process (discourse ethics)
  4. Ethical approaches based on empathy and moral impulse (postmodern ethics)

What is the main aim of Virtue Ethics?

The central aim is not to fulfill duties or aim for the greatest good, but to lead a good life. Virtue ethics focuses on the character of the individual decision-maker.
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What is defined as virtues in the Virtue Ethics? And how does this differ from the Western Modernist Theories?

Virtues: traits or characteristics. Where Western Modernist Theories looks at particular ethics, Virtue Ethics looks at the character of the decision-maker.

What is the criticism that Ethic of Care faces?

It is based on 'gender', 'caring', or other over-simplified reductions of a feminist perspective.

What are Discourse Ethics?

An approach that aims to solve ethical conflicts through democratic dialogue and providing a process of norm generation including rational reflection and open communication on the real-life experience of all relevant parcitipants.

The ethically correct thing to do cannot only be justified by rational arguments, but how does it have to be generated?

By detailed and open debate (called 'argumentation').

What do Postmodern Ethics entail?

Moving away from rationality, postmodern ethics focuses on emtional moral impulses towards others, and focuses on individual questioning of universal rules.

What do Postmodern Ethics reject?

Normative approaches, find them too ambitious, optimistic and reductionist, ultimately failing to explain the complex reality of human existence.

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