Ethics - Ethics and the law - Bazerman, 2020

3 important questions on Ethics - Ethics and the law - Bazerman, 2020

Bazerman lists 5 guidelines for creating more value, shortly touch upon each:

  1. Compare alternatives: allows us to implement utilitarianism.
  2. Look for tradeoffs: allows us to consider on what each of values in negotiations.
  3. See time as a scarce resource: allows us to prioritize and focus our efforts.
  4. Integrate your ethical self: allows us to identify opportunities for improvement.
  5. Design the choice architecture: Allows us to make positive value creation easier.

What do leaders and managers need to focus on, rather than following a set of rules?

Becoming more ethical and creating the most value to society (Utilitarian view).

What can managers who care about the value they create influence?

They can influence others throughout the organization by means of the norms and decision-making environment they create.

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