Western modernist ethical theories - Principle-based theory - Ethics of rights and justice

7 important questions on Western modernist ethical theories - Principle-based theory - Ethics of rights and justice

Where does the Ethics of rights and justice begin?

Start by assigning a right to one party and then advocating a corresponding duty on another party to protect that right.

What is the definition of natural (human) rights?

Basic alienable and unconditional entitlements that are inherent to all human beings, without exception, should be respected and protected in every single situation.

Where can human rights be found?

They are based in human dignity and lead to a duty for others to protect, respect and support them.
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What is the definition of justice in the context of ethics of rights?

The simultaneous fair treatment of individuals in a given situation with the result that everybody gets what they deserve.

When, in a business context, does justice, in the sence of ethics of rights, come into play?

Whenever two parties enter an economic transaction there has to be agreement on a fair distribution of costs and benefits between parties.

In the definition of justice the word 'fair' has been taken up, but what exactly should fairness mean in a particular situation? This is what is referred to as the 'crucial moral issues', by which standards can we decide what a person might reasonably deserve? 2 ways to view justice/fairness, where most types of justice will try to achieve both types:

  1. Fair procedures: whether everyone has been free to acquire rewards for their efforts
  2. Fair outcomes (distributive fairness): whether the consequences (positive and negative) are distributed in a just manner according to some underlying principle such as need or merit.

What is a social contract in social contract theory?

A hypothetical agreement between members of a society and those who govern it that establishes the inter-relationships, rights, and responsibilities on a fair basis.

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