Western modernist ethical theories - Consequentialist theory - Two main consequentialist theories

5 important questions on Western modernist ethical theories - Consequentialist theory - Two main consequentialist theories

What does utilitarianism state in terms of an action being morally right?

An action is morally right if it results in the greatest amount of good to the greatest amount of people affected by the action.

What is the basic foundation of utilitarianism? Which is also referred to as the 'ultimate consequentialist principle'

Greatest happiness principle

What are the 5 problems that have been encountered when dealing with utilitarianism?

  1. A utilitiarian good is subjective, context-dependent, and difficult to compare between people.
  2. Utilitarianism runs into difficulties in questions related to the just distribution of wealth.
  3. Utilitarianism can be contradictory with the idea of respecting basic rights.
  4. Maximizing is generally speaking not the best approach to addressing all values.
  5. Utilitiarinism does not include the idea of reciprocity.
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What would a utilitarian do if they were faced with the autonomous car dilemma and were buying a car according to act utilitarianism?

According to act utilitarianism, you should conduct a cost/benefit analysis of what causes the most benefit or least harm in each situation. A utilitarian would aim to harm as few as possible.

What would a utilitarian do if they were faced with the autonomous car dilemma and were buying a car according to rule utilitarianism?

According to rule utilitarianism, self-driving vehicles should minimize casualities. They should be introduced only if they are likely to make driving in general safer.

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