Bazerman, 2020 - More Ethical Decision Making

4 important questions on Bazerman, 2020 - More Ethical Decision Making

When looking at the point of comparing alternatives, how can you make more of your deicisions and what can you use to make more ethical decisions?

Make more of your decisions by comparing them instead of assessing each individually. Make decisions behind the 'veil of ignorance' will lead to more ethical decision making and creating mroe value for everyone - Utilitarianism.

When it comes to looking for trade-offs what does the field of decision analysis argue?

The field of decision analysis argues that we need to know how much of one attribute will be traded for another. Creating more value for both parties if they are both 100% behind their own decision.

When it comes to using time to create value, what is important?

Wasting time compromises value creation.
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When it comes to integrating your ethical self, what is meant by always act ethically?

Always be ethically consistent, regardless of your job. Acting ethically will create more value for companies selling bad products, and acting unethically can ruin good externalities that 'good' companies should give off.

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