Approaches in Evaluation - Goal-oriented approaches - Critical points goal-oriented appr
4 important questions on Approaches in Evaluation - Goal-oriented approaches - Critical points goal-oriented appr
What is the 2nd critical point of goal-based evaluation approaches?
Goal-based evaluations deliver descriptive statements about whether goals are met, but since they are often weak on causal attribution., they are difficult to use in a formative way.
What is the 3d critical point of goal-based evaluation approaches?
According to Beck (1994): with uncertain technologies, complex organizations, most public interventions have a number of side effects on other interventions as well as on the lives of citizens.
What is the 4th critical point of goal-based evaluation approaches?
Evaluation literature has coined the term ''performance paradox'' (Van Thiel and Leeuw 2002) to describe situations in which more outcome measurement leads to everything but better performance but goal displacements and unintended effects of evaluation for example low performing pupils may be given less attention or transferred to other institutions.
- Higher grades + faster learning
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What is the 5th critical point of goal-based evaluation approaches?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding