Evaluation and public management - Approaches in Evaluation
6 important questions on Evaluation and public management - Approaches in Evaluation
What is evaluation again according to Vedung (1997)?
How are the 4 dimensions of evaluation useful?
What is theory-based evaluation?
These assumptions, often called 'program theory' explain why activities like these at hand can plausibly lead to a stipulated outcome and what else is likely to happen.
Theory-based approaches include Chen's (1990) theory-driven evaluation, Pawson and Tilley's (1997) realistic evaluation and a number of practical ways to systematically connect means-ends relationships in program activities.
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Is it prohibitive for evaluation if no program theory is made explicit by the policy architect?
In doing so, some evaluators use official documents, or field observations, while Patton (1997) focuses on a dialogue with the intended users of the evaluation and Chen (1990) prefers linking evaluation with social science theory. Each of these ways leads to different types of theory and to different characteristics of the feedback provided by evaluation.
What methodology of research do the responsive and participatory approaches favor?
The primary concern in responsive evaluation is the understanding of goodness in relation to the issues, not to produce goodness of to advocate any paricular position on how to resolve the issues (Stake 2004; 89).
What is the difference between responsive and participatory evaluation?
In participatory evaluation various participants are invited to share responsibility for the evaluation process.
According to Greene (1997; 174) 'participatory evaluation intentionally involves alle legitimate stakeholders interests in collaborative dialogic inquiry process, that enables the construction of contextually meaningful knowledge that engenders the personal and structural capacity to act on that knowledge and that seeks action that contributes to democratizing social change.'
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