Evidence based HRM - Decision-making as bounded rationality

15 important questions on Evidence based HRM - Decision-making as bounded rationality

Problems can be linked with bounded rationality, what does this mean?

Bounded rationality is the fact that there is an imperfect understanding of reality that can hinder decision making

How can you describe the decision making for a HR practice?

It is one of bounded rationality, we but in the effort to make the best decision given the imperfect understanding of reality.

Why do managers choose to use quick fixes?

Quick fix = immediate action on a problem, not based on assessment of the problem or solutions. It is based on limited understanding. For managers it is easy to implement as it is based on experience, outdated theories or random facts.
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Why can it be harmful to use quick fixes?

The problem is not assessed and neither are the possible solutions, it can be that the implemented practice does not solve the underlying problem. And quick fixes are not evaluated, so there is the risk of recycling a faulty solution

How can there be more rationality implemented in decision making?

By using scientific insights (research evidence) in combination with the data and professional knowledge available in the organization.

This is Evidence Based HRM

What is meant with Evidence Based HRM?

COnscientious decision making to address important people-related issues in organizations by combining best research evidence with measurable data and professional knowledge available in the organization

Which 2 strategies are offered to close the practice-research gap?

  1. Make research findings available for practice as a source of knowledge to make better decisions -> Centre of evidence-based management
  2. Cocreation: A scientific study in which practitioners are closely involved in the execution of the research in their work context

Briner et al. Defined 4 core elements of EBHRM

1. Decision making by practitioners who consciously apply expertise and judgement

2. They use evidence from the local context in which the decision applies

3. THey critically evaluate the best available external evidece   

4. They take the perspectives of people who might be affected into account

EBHRM is not about applying the best practices, but what is it about?

Practitioners evaluate a variety of options to solve a problem by taking research and organizational context into account.

Equally effective solutions can lead to the same outcome in different ways, but some might fit better with context

How did Herbert Simon define bounded rationality?

Individuals are able to take rational decisions within the limits of their preferences, social position and understanding of problem and alternative solutions

Which 5 elements limit peoples ability to make rational decisions?

Cognitive processes:

  1. Understanding of the problem
  2. Personal preferences
  3. Blindspots

    Social context

  4. Access to knowledge
  5. Position in org power, politics

Name the 8 steps in the iterative decision making process used in EBHRM

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Understand the problem
  3. Ask a focussed question
  4. Collect evidence
  5. Evaluate evidence
  6. Generate alternatives
  7. Decide, prepare, implement
  8. Evaluate and adjust

How can one overcome bounded rationality?

By using EBHRM

What are 4 benefits of EBHRM?

1. Better understanding of problems in org
2. Culture of learning and curiosity
3. Cumulative availability of data to use
4. Reduction of org politics and power play

In which situations can EBHRM too time consuming?

With day to day decision making on minor issues and in times of crisis

But EBHRM can contribute in other ways:
1. By building evidence based knowledge in decision kakers which will beneftit understanding of solutions for minor issues.
2. Developing intuition for quality of decision during time pressure.

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