Evidence based HRM - The evidence-based HRM proces

10 important questions on Evidence based HRM - The evidence-based HRM proces

What is the evidence in management about?

Understanding about all causes leading to current state of outcome and about the causes that might improve the outcome. Evidence must prove the existence of a causal relationship: Cause -> effect

What are the 4 sources of evidence


- Organizational evidence (management info)
- Stakeholder evidence (opinions of those involved)
- Experimental evidence (knowledge from prev problems)


- Scientific evidence -> gathered from data bases

What is a systematic review?

A systematic review is a detailed, systematic and transparent means of gathering, appraising and synthesising evidence to answer a well-defined question. It is about comparing research findings across different researchers.
- Descriptive: summarizing approach and findings for each article and synthesizing.
- Quantitative: combining data to new dataset = meta analysis
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Which type of bias should you pay attention to when using systematic reviews?

Publication bias: an article is more easily published if it confirms the relationship

What are the 3 core indicators of evaluating evidence quality?

  1. Validity
  2. Reliability
  3. Ethicality

How can you rule out alternative explanations?

I. Check quality of measures -> construct validity

II. Check quality of research design

III. Good theory and theoretical arguments

What are the 3 elements of evaluating reliability?

1. Replicability of evidence
2. Quality of sample > size and procedures
3. Generalizability: can the evidence be used to draw conclusions of larger group?

What are ethical guidelines about

Protecting participants

1. Principle of informed consent
2. Principle of honest info sharing (of the researcher)
3. Principle of data protection and privacy regulation

What are some guidelines for implementing an HR practice?

  • Easy to understand
  • Should align with other laws
  • Training to use the practice
  • Communicate importance
  • Stakeholders need support

How can the implemented practice be evaluated?

Qualitatively: interviews
Quantitatively:  objective measurements

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