Performance under conditions of change - HR practice

7 important questions on Performance under conditions of change - HR practice

Why does an organization benefit from having dynamic HR capabilities?

A. HR scalibility : qualitative and quanitative flexibility

B. Organization learning capability: more social relations > more KL transfer and innovative capacity > better performance

C. Organization capability for innovation: exploitate and explorate

What are the key predictors for objective career succes?

Dynamic carreer capabilities:
- Contested mobility
- Sponsored mobility

How to organize for planned change according to Lewin and Kotter

Planned change should pay attention to organizational politics and being sensitive to negative emotions, mobilizing support and try to keep majority of employees on board of making change success.
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How to organize for HR scalability?

Atkinson model of core and pheripheral to create a balance between qualitative (employment radius) and quantitative flexibility (contract)

How to organize for organizational learning

Create opportunities for KL transfer by weekly team meetings, job rotation and networking between units

How to organize for capability for innovation

- Exploitation: becoming better at what you do: job autonomy, teamwork, decisionmaking > enhancing tacit knowledge to improve something

- Exploration: Actions to do something new; cross functional teams, life long learning…

And besided HR practices, composition of workforce can contribute to right balance Exploi and Explor as well > core employees (exploitation) new employees (exploration)

How to create the right capabilities for dynamic careers (4 points)

sans-serifCareer management > developing employability:
a. Work experience interventions: learning on the job
b. Organize resources for formal training and education: budget facilitating investments
c. Opportunities for carreer counselling:  planning for employability
d. information about future opportunities; stimulating transition by reducing hindrances

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