Knowledge management - Knowledge storage, retrieval and use

19 important questions on Knowledge management - Knowledge storage, retrieval and use

How can all people in one organization obtain the same knowledge?

By sharing, storage and retrieval

How is new knowledge developed?

people must interact and integrate with own knowledge.
Knowledge nurtured, developed and used in groups > leads to behaviour.

Why is knowledge important for organizations? GIve 2 reasons

1. Acquiring human capital
2. Improving organizations
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Knowledge based theory by Grant

Suggests that knowledge is the key leverage for organizational performance and success. Knowledge is the critical input needed to create products and deliver services. Knowledge should be considered as the primary source of value for organisations.

Knowledge based theory is an organization-level theory about what drives the production processes in organizations (knowledge) and how this contributes to organizational performance.
> 1996 Robert Grant

“Organizations are no more than structures that enable individuals  to use and share their knowledge”

Knowledge; Effective organizations according to Grant and knowledge based theory

Effective organizations have social structures designed so it enables knowledge use; individuals to work together on the common goal of the organization. If all individuals use their best knowledge to realize products/services, organizations will succeed in realizing the goal.
Knowledge is a source for competitive advantage!

What is a unique capability for competitative advantage according to knowledge based theory?

Firm specific HC

What is knowledge sharing

the sending, giving knowledge to someone else, that does not guarantee usage

What is knowledge transfer

= the receiver will use the knowledge gotten from the sender

Organizational knowledge transfer

Organizational knowledge transfer = the process through which units in organizations share, receive and are influenced by the knowledge of others. It manifests it self through changes in the knowledge base or performance of recipients.

Where can be seen a link between knowledge transfer and social capital?

Knowledge transfer happens in exchange relations, this makes it a social process. Senders and recipients have to meet to have the possibility to exchange knowledge. There needs to be trust between parties, good quality relationships > sharing culture (link social capital theory)

What is the relation between knowledge transfer and performance/innovation?

Higher levels of knowledge transfer = better performance and innovation scores.
Sharing between organizations is important! > organizations that absorb knowledge are better capable to deal with challenges.

How is new knowledge created?

when individuals/business units share what they know with others, internalize and compare it with their own knowledge and apply this synthesized knowledge to improve their performance.
New knowledge resonates with innovation, and innovation starts with the bringing together of knowledge from different sources.

What did Nonanka state with the organizational knowledge creation theory?

there is a continuous flow between tacit and explicit knowledge that results in new knowledge. Knowledge creation happens in social interaction.
So new knowledge when people share what they know with each other, when they internalize it into their tacit knowledge, and apply what they have learned to improve how they work.

What is knowledge creation?

continuous transfer process between tacit and explicit knowledge between individuals in groups.

Name the 4 flow processes between tacit and explicit knowledge

1. Socialization = tacit -> tacit; observing and imitating
2. Combination = explicit -> explicit ; combining pieces of explicit KL to new whole
3. Reflection = individual learning: reflect on what you do -> improve and routineze : explicit -> tacit
4a. Internalization: Explicit -> tacit: Reflect on action in teams; integrate new info
4b. Externalization : Tacit -> explicit: knowledge creation in groups. New KL b reflection and combination.

Amnesia is when tacit KL gets lost that had not been externalized, when can this happen give 4 options

  • Employees who leave take their valuable knowledge with them or when companies reorganize, merge or downsize
  • Projects end and many insights get lost because the focus is just on the end product
  • Knowledge gets buried under new information
  • Knowledge is not used

How can amnesia be prevented, so resources will not be lost?

Transfer knowledge from individual to organizational memory.

What does organizational memory contain?

1 Explicit knowledge stored as semantic knowledge: the knowledge that gets documented, explicit and can be easily accessed. Think of end product of project, report, patent. It is easy to store.

2. Tacit knowledge stored as episodic knowledge: More tacit, it is the shared knowledge of groups in the organization that links specific events, they would not have the knowledge if they did not share experience. The process that resulted in the end product: key experiences “lessons learned”. You gather the learned lessons after the evaluation and store it in a system

What is the benefit of storing 'lessons learned'

Benefits of storing lessons learned: Trust building, Expose hidden problems (e.g. organizational politics), Preventing making the same mistakes. Building learning organization. Contributes to Spiral of Knowledge: Making tacit explicit, Combining explicit and find new insights, And so on…

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