Knowledge management - HR practice

4 important questions on Knowledge management - HR practice

How to organize for formal learning?

Planned processes to address the knowledge gap; analyze needs, determine goals, design training and evaluate

How to organize informal learning?

Workplace as learning environment for informal and incedental learning; tacit knowledge can be acquired through trial and errror.
Social interactions help to create learning opportunities, organize workplace learning into formal training by brining people together

How to organize for knowledge transfer and creation?

Supporting organizational learning =
- Role models in senior management > top down promotion of calue of learning
- Work and organizational design enabling cooperating, providing autonomy and where there are needed resources
- Structural factors: inventing HR development and access to networks with knowledge holders
- Individual employees stimulated to keep learning and participating in knowledge transfer and creation as part of the job.
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1. Project work: strore the endproduct as well as route towards it to learn from the process and not make same mistakes in next one: Lessons learned

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