Performance under conditions of change - Dynamic capabilities
10 important questions on Performance under conditions of change - Dynamic capabilities
Which change in view on organizations, stated by Penrose came with the thoughts on continous change?
What are the 2 main tasks of succesful entrepreneurs?
2. Realizing that the organization is capable of seizing the opportunities, the entrepreneurially oriented management invests in a set of organizational resources that allow growth through seizing opportunities.
What is the dynamic resource based theory?
Here we focus on resource that allow organizations to ‘enterprise’: dynamic resources: The competence to continuously integrate, reconfigure, renew and recreate resources.
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What is the dynamic capability theory?
What is the human resource scalability capability?
What did Atkinson mean with the flexible firm?
1. Group of core employees with permanent contracts -> functional flex (scope KSA)
2. Pheripheral employees -> temporary = quantitative/numerical flex
3. Employees without a contract
Organizational learning capacity
For organizational learning strong social ties are needed as the capacity depends on social process of KL transfer.
A higher learning capacity is a workforce with willingness to share and acquire KL
Organization capacity for innovation by March and SImon
1. Exploitation (core): become better at what you do, improve specialisme
2. Exploration: Be aware of changes in environments and experience with new ways (enough resources needed)
What is successfull innovation?
Having sufficient resources to exploitate while stimulate an open mindset to outside world to find new KL
Which 3 theories contribute to getting dynamic capabilities for continuous change?
2. Knowledge transfer -> absorptive capability
3. Exploration/Exploitation -> innovative capability
Individual employees are available when needed with skills to contribute to learning and innovation
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
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