Investing in people and business performance - Social exchange theory

8 important questions on Investing in people and business performance - Social exchange theory

What is the social exchange theory about?

It is not enougn to have talend people with social relationships, people must be willing to apply their skills, knowledge and social connections.
People bring something and get a return

What does Homan state about relationships as exchange mechanisms

People look for the most pleasure, for the least effort = homo economicus.
This can be in terms of social (attention, love) or economical (time, money) pleasure/effort.
Social exchange relations reap more benefit than economic ones (short and contract).
As social exchange is on the long term, open ended

What does Gouldner mean with the norm of reciprocity?

It is the unwritten rule that one should equally reply to the input of the other in a relationship. (If someone smiles, you feel the urge to smile back). The larger the gesture, the more pressing the sense of reciprocity. It is an inborn habit.
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How is extra effort seen that employees deliver?

In extra role behavior, or organizational citizenship behavior. It is not expected, but very much wanted.

When does extra role behaviour happen

When employees feel an urge to reciprocate how they are treated in an exchange relationship. So the org should invest by exceeding expectations

What can we learn from the social exchange theory in terms of getting benefits?

while investing in the development of human and social capital, organizations have to think about the employment relationship in which employee owned social and human capital are exchanged for salary and other inducements factored by employees. So economic relationships grown in social ones.

What is meant with organizational commitment?

expresses that people choose to stay with their employer instead of looking for a better job. By investing in employment relationships, employees will see them as a social exchange relationship and organizations will benefit from the potential of acquired human and social capital.

What are the 4 types of employement relationships?

  1. Balanced social exchange relationship: high reweards for high effort
  2. Balanced economic exange relationship: limited extras an no expectation for extra effort
  3. Unbalanced over-investment exchange relationship: High rewards and low expectations about employee effort (golden palace)
  4. An unbalanced under investment exchange relationship, organizations do not offer anything extra, but they expect their employees to put in a lot of effort. They have high demands for their employees with low rewards.

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