Knowledge management - Individual level knowledge

7 important questions on Knowledge management - Individual level knowledge

What is training transfer?

Acquiring knowledge in training and blend it into the tacit knowledge-based used on daily basis. Applying new knowledge in practice.

Can be positive or negative, when there is no opportunity to use the new knowledge it will fade (=problem of training transfer) due to gap explicit knowledge and know how/who

How can one see if training transfer has occured?

- It shows in generalizability, the trainees use the knowledge in the training and other different situations.
- It shows in the maintenance of the new knowledge, so the extent to which the changes caused by the training persists over time. If the skill will be there in 0.5 yr but also in 1yr.

What is important in getting from explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge and usage

A plan for practice and socialization with a transfer period planned as part of training
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Investment in training gets lost because of lack transfer. Blum and Al looked at the problem and did research, what can you say about the characteristics they looked at?

Trainee characteristics:
- Intelligence
- Conscientiousness
- Voluntary participation
More of these = more effort to transfer that what was learned into the workplace
The individual differences are difficult to design into a training -> you cannot select trainees.

Environment characteristic
- Transfer climate > senior management sets an example to get shared understanding of importance for learning
- Support of supervisors and peers > asking what the employees learned
- Constraints taken away> e.g. low level of autonomy, situational constraints
This is easier to implement in the training, helping to facilitate transfer for all the people

How should the effectiveness of training be assessed to see the correlation with transfer?

Evaluation should not be about satisfaction but about knowledge and skills that can predict transfer.
Test of knowledge, self efficacy “do you feel more capable”, utility reactions “was it useful?”

How are good trainings designed? Name the 4 aspects

I. Evaluate needs for training
II. Understand how people learn in class rooms
III. Combine with informal learning
IV. Evaluate

How can a manager organize for the transfer of training? Name 4 possibilities:

- Consider multiple transfer strategies in combination
- Organize peer/supervisor support
- Organize opportunities for use of new skills (job design)
- Make sure that the formal, explicit knowledge is transferred to practice

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