Business - Advertising (Buy it, sell it, love it)
37 important questions on Business - Advertising (Buy it, sell it, love it)
Why do advertisements have many features of their own?
What kind of features do advertisements have?
What did Haghirian and Madlberger (2004) find?
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How do Haghirian and Madlberger (2004) account for the cross-cultural differences?
What did Keshtgary and Khalejpour (2011) find?
Why does Kuwait have strict regulations on or even forbid advertising certain products such as pharmaceutical products or cigarettes?
What does the Toubon Law, which was adopted by the French Senate on 4 August 1994, requires?
What kind of rules have been laid out in Canada for advertisements directed at children?
How do religion and culture-specific practices influence advertisements?
What is comparative advertising?
What is the rationale of comparative advertising?
What do the new regulations in EU countries in 2000 include?
What did a comparison between the UK and the US show?
What did a comparison between the US and East Asian countries confirm?
What did a comparison between the US, Taiwan and France show?
What did a comparison of prime-time television commercials between the US, Japan, Korea and China show?
Why do advertisements often appeal to one's values in making a product particularly attractive or interesting to consumers?
What did a study by Unusier (2000) reveal?
What is the role of women in Swedish advertisements?
What is the role of women in Malaysian advertisements?
What is the role of women in Singaporean advertisements?
What are potential areas of cross-cultural difference?
What is the attitude towards the elderly in Japanese advertisements?
What are the issues with translating advertisements from one language to another?
Why is it an important consideration in promoting a national brand name to an international audience whether or not to keep the brand name in its original language?
What was Sony's approach to brand management?
What was Procter and Gamble's approach to brand management?
What was Ma Griffe's approach to brand management?
What was Häagen-Dasz's approach to brand management?
What can be the purpose of foreign language or multilingualism in headlines, subheads and straplines in advertising?
What connotations do French names have?
What connotations do German names have?
What connotations do Italian names have?
What connotations do Spanish names have?
What connotations do English names have?
What are the challenges with the use of foreign languages in advertising?
What can the ethno-cultural or natural images advertisements attempt to invoke with a foreign language serve to?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
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- 100% sure, 100% understanding