Language Classrooms - Culture and language learning and teaching (Does learning a language mean learning a culture?) - Teaching culture through language: an intercultural approach

6 important questions on Language Classrooms - Culture and language learning and teaching (Does learning a language mean learning a culture?) - Teaching culture through language: an intercultural approach

What is the learner expected according to the teaching-culture-as-content approach?

To accumulate knowledge about the target culture.

What is the learner expected according to the integrated language-and-culture approach?

To familiarise herself with the cultural codes embedded in language use so that she can behave in a way similar to that of a native speaker in specific communicative contexts.

What does intercultural language and culture pedagogy (Corbett, 2003) believe?

The goal of language learning is not simply to develop perfect linguistic skills or amass cultural information, but to become an intercultural speaker who can mediate between different cultures and different viewpoints.
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What is the objective of language and cultural learning?

Not to replace one's native language and culture with a different language and culture, but to define for learners themselves a third culture or third place.

What does third culture or third place refer to?

A symbolic space where one's own and the target culture interact with each other. The idea is later captured in the notion of symbolic competence (Kramsch, 2009).

What does the intercultural perspective call for?

Teaching methods and techniques that de-emphasise norms and favour learner-oriented approaches.

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