Theories of culture: a fundamental question - Action approach: culture as a process

3 important questions on Theories of culture: a fundamental question - Action approach: culture as a process

What is small culture?

It refers to a dynamic, ongoing group process to enable group members to make sense of and operate meaningfully within those circumstances. The term is also used at the same time to refer to cultures shared by members of the same generation, occupation, education or similar prior experience, which can be metaphorically speaking smaller than national cultures.

What is culture as a verb?

We need to treat culture as a verb, i.e. as an active process of meaning-making and discovering what culture does. One thing that culture does is create boundaries.

How does Fay see culture?

He sees culture as an evolving connected activity reflecting the interplay between, on the one hand, the activity of its members as they appropriate and alter cultural meanings and, on the other, the enabling and limiting role of culture as it shapes these agents and their activity.

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