What are the key factors that may cause misunderstanding in intercultural communication? - Pragmatic mismatch

5 important questions on What are the key factors that may cause misunderstanding in intercultural communication? - Pragmatic mismatch

What is a locutionary act?

Saying the meaning of the words.

Which types of pragmatic mismatch can occur?

  • Lack of understanding of the illocutionary force of a speech act
  • Pragmatic failure

What is pragmatic failure?

Participants as second language users fail to convey what they intend to say and hence cause misunderstanding. There are two types of failure: pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure. It is essentially about the impact of one's first language on the use of a second language.
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What is pragmalinguistic failure?

It occurs when the pragmatic force in an utterance by a second language user does not match the force most frequently assigned to it by native speakers of the target language.

What is sociopragmatic failure?

It is more concerned with those hidden rules governing the applicability of pragmatic concepts such as politeness, face, directness, sincerity, etc., and is caused by inappropriate assessment of the degree of imposition, cost/benefit, social distance and relative rights and obligations, etc.

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