How to develop intercultural communicative competence - A multidisciplinary overview of ICC - Categorising ICC models

10 important questions on How to develop intercultural communicative competence - A multidisciplinary overview of ICC - Categorising ICC models

Which three possible approaches are there to make something of these different conceptualisations of ICC?

  1. disciplinary context and orientation
  2. aims, objectives and criteria of ICC models
  3. the relationship between different elements of ICC

What is disciplinary context and orientation?

A main distinction can be made between those disciplines emphasising communicative competence and those centred around competence in communication.

What are aims, objectives and criteria of ICC models?

Two key terms, appropriateness and effectiveness, occur frequently in the definition of ICC as its purposes and criteria. The third criterion is establishing and maintaining relationships.
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What is establishing and maintaining relationships?

It measures success of an intercultural encounter in addition to appropriateness and effectiveness.

Which are the five different types of ICC models on the basis of potential similarities?

  1. compositional models
  2. co-orientational models
  3. developmental models
  4. adaptational models
  5. causal process

What are compositional models?

The most common type of ICC model, providing lists of relevant abilities, skills and traits.

What is the co-orientational model?

Primarily concerned with interactional achievements of intercultural understanding.

What is the developmental model?

Specifies stages of progression.

What is the adaptational model?

Emphasises interdependence of participants in the process of cultural learning.

What is a causal process?

Specifies the interrelationships among components.

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