What are the key factors that may cause misunderstanding in intercultural communication? - Mismatch in schemas and cultural stereotypes

9 important questions on What are the key factors that may cause misunderstanding in intercultural communication? - Mismatch in schemas and cultural stereotypes

What is mismatch in schemas?

The kind of mis- or non-understanding triggered by lack of knowledge about the system and procedures.

Which different types of schemas exist?

  • fact-and-concept schemas
  • person schemas
  • self schemas
  • role schemas
  • context schemas
  • procedure schemas
  • strategy schemas
  • emotion schemas

What are fact-and-concept schemas?

General information about facts
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What are person schemas?

Knowledge about different types of people, including personality traits

What are role schemas?

Knowledge about social roles and behaviours that are expected of people in particular social positions

What are context schemas?

Information about the situation and appropriate settings of behavioural parameters

What are procedure schemas?

Knowledge about the appropriate sequence of events in common situations

What are emotion schemas?

Information about emotional states and affect association with events, activities or states

What is cultural stereotypes?

Knowledge about other cultural or ethnic groups in the person schemas. They can filter our attention. If we have negative stereotypes, we tend to look for evidence to confirm them, ignoring the fact that these cultural stereotypes can be wrong and they are no more than best guesses.

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