Study abroad and tourism - Study abroad (Does 'real' experience help with my language and intercultural learning?)

16 important questions on Study abroad and tourism - Study abroad (Does 'real' experience help with my language and intercultural learning?)

What are the main activities of higher education in internationalisation?

  • international student recruitment
  • internationalisation at home campus
  • internationalisation abroad
  • internationalisation of staff
  • programme mobility
  • student mobility

What is international student recruitment?

Attracting intercultural students for the purpose of revenue-generation, creating cultural diversity and promoting intercultural communication.

What is internationalisation at home campus?

Through embedding international/intercultural perspectives into a local educational setting.
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What is internationalisation abroad?

Through offering educational programmes which are accessible to students who are not based in the same country as the institution.

What is internationalisation of staff?

Through international collaboration, visits and exchange, and diversification of staff.

What is programme mobility?

Through offshore programmes or branch campuses where students can take academic courses without leaving their countries.

What is student mobility?

Through a range of arrangements and formats available such as field trips, internships, volunteering, research collaboration and study abroad.

What is the term 'study abroad'?

An umbrella term to refer to educational activities in which students partake outside their home countries.

What are the seven defining elements that can classify levels of study abroad programmes?

  • duration of programme
  • entry target-language competence
  • language used in course work
  • academic work context
  • housing
  • provision for cultural interaction, experimental learning, or integration activities
  • guided reflection or mentoring on cultural experience

What are Vande Berg's (2009) findings?

  • gender difference
  • housing difference
  • studying alongside local students
  • programme duration
  • support from staff or cultural mentors
  • second language classes

What is Vande Berg's (2009) findings with regard to housing difference?

Being housed in a home-stay does not predict improved oral proficiency or intercultural competence. Students in home-stay made good progress only when they spent a large amount of time with their hosts.

What is Vande Berg's (2009) findings with regard to studying alongside local students?

It does not predict development. Those who studied in mixed classes with home, host or other international students made more progress than those with just host students.

What is Vande Berg's (2009) findings with regard to second language classes?

Study abroad students also benefit from second language classes during their period of stay.

Which observations are made in some publications dedicated to investigating the benefits and challenges study abroad brings for language learning?

  • 'need to know' and real communication and social needs rather than 'getting a good grade' become the driving force for learning.
  • exposure alone is not adequate.

Which classroom activity ideas either simulate or facilitate study abroad experience in the language classroom?

  • interviews with native speakers
  • observations
  • portfolios
  • research projects
  • journal writing
  • case studies
  • role play with native speakers
  • analysis of cultural documents
  • classroom discussion

What benefits does study abroad have?

  • intercultural awareness
  • language skills
  • opportunities to develop greater personal maturity
  • make friends
  • improve career prospects

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