Business - International business negotiation (Why do they talk a lot about nothing really?)

4 important questions on Business - International business negotiation (Why do they talk a lot about nothing really?)

What is point-making style?

It refers to the way that speakers make statements about their communicative intent, such as their wishes, demands, needs and so on, and provide supporting evidence. It is essentially a rhetorical style in which speakers make an argument for a case.

What is a high involvement conversational style?

A high degree of connectedness or solidarity among individuals in the conversation is shown through active participation.

What is 'game theory'?

Game theory sees negotiation as a competition, a game in which one party wins and the other loses. It is rational behaviour in negotiating issues of conflict, and regards signing contracts and closing deals as the primary goal of negotiation.
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What is negotiation as a process of social exchange?

A cooperative rather than competitive relationship needs to be established before deals can be made.

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