What are culture-specific ways of communication and why?
6 important questions on What are culture-specific ways of communication and why?
How do Americans open a conversation?
How do the English open a conversation?
What is the only correct way to introduce yourself in meetings?
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What features belong to high involvement style?
- topics: prefer personal topics, shift topics abruptly, introduce topics without hesitance, persistence if a new topic is not immediately picked up;
- pacing: faster rate of speech, faster turn-taking, avoid interturn pauses, cooperative overlap, participatory listenership;
- expressive paralinguistics: expressive phonology, marked pitch and amplitude shifts, marked voice quality, strategic within-turn pauses.
Which are culture-specific ways of communication?
- the degree of directness in conveying intentions;
- the amount of information embedded in the context;
- the degree of involvement in conversation;
- the amount of gap between turns; and
- the distance and space between people
Which are notions and models behind these culture-specific ways of communication?
- face and politeness
- rapport
- wakimae: a key Japanese cultural term
- connectedness and solidarity
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding

Topics that are related to What are culture-specific ways of communication and why?
What are culture-specific ways of communication and why? - High versus low context: relationship and networks
What are culture-specific ways of communication and why? - Directness or indirectness: face, politeness and rapport
What are culture-specific ways of communication and why? - Turn-taking: universals vs. cultural variations
What are culture-specific ways of communication and why? - Space: the silent language