Important legal aspects of exporting - Agreement

4 important questions on Important legal aspects of exporting - Agreement

The basis of every export transaction is an AGREEMENT. Name three aspects of an agreement.

  1. General concepts
  2. Offer and acceptance
  3. Contents

What is the freedom of contract?

The law applies the principle of party autonomy or freedom of contract, that is to say that the parties themselves determine the form and content of their agreement. In principle, agreements can therefore be entered into either orally or in writing.

What are the core concepts in the conclusion of an agreement?

The offer
The acceptance
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Which matters should be stated in the contents of an agreement?

  1. Parties
  2. Product
  3. Quality
  4. Price
  5. Delivery
  6. Payment
  7. Variables, such as alterations in writing, choice of applicable law and choice of competent judge/arbitrator

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