Export from a European and a global perspective - The European Union explained

6 important questions on Export from a European and a global perspective - The European Union explained

Name one aim of the EU in terms of government procurement

To make government contracts accessible to all companies established in the EU.

What is European tendering?

When governments consider to make investments, they will look for parties (e.g. when the Dutch ministry of Finance wants to buy the newest computers). In that case there has to be a European Call for Tender for all suitable parties to compete. In this way governments can work more cost-efficiently and international competition is stimulated.

What are the criteria for tendering?

  • The lowest price
  • The most advantageous offer in economic terms
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What are the most important trade tools of the EU?

  1. Protection
  2. Anti-dumping measures

What was the 990 million euro, which was set aside, spent on (PHARE)?

Restructuring the economySupporting privatization & establishing small and medium-size companiesFurther development of the banking & financial sectorRe-aligning the labor marketsRestructuring government and social security, education, environment and infrastructure

What are the best known programmes aimed at promoting the development of trade with countries in the Far East and Latin America?

  1. Asia-Invest
  2. Ex-prom Japan

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