Export from a European and a global perspective - Trade policies and the European Union - Forms of protectionism

5 important questions on Export from a European and a global perspective - Trade policies and the European Union - Forms of protectionism

What forms of protectionism are there?

  1. Import duties/ tariffs
  2. Export duties (Fenedex)
  3. Import and tariff quotas
  4. Trade agreements
  5. Non-tariff linked barriers
  6. Government trade
  7. Managed trade

What sorts of import duties are there?

  • Specific
  • Ad valorem
  • Sliding or variable
  • Prohibitive
  • Implicit

What is new protectionism/ gentle protection?

It consists of protectionist measures in the form of non-tariff linked restrictions. These measures consist of agreements resembling cartels, agreements to divide the market, subsidies from governments to domestic companies and voluntary export restrictions (VERs).
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What is government trade?

In countries like China, Cuba and Vietnam, the market is regulated by the government. This means that exporters deal with a monopolist.

What is the advantage of VERs?

GATT rules may be bypassed. By making use of a VER, governments in importing countries can quickly favour certain of their own industries.

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