Researching and selecting foreign markets - Country selection model - Filter criteria

5 important questions on Researching and selecting foreign markets - Country selection model - Filter criteria

What requirements should the filter criteria meet?

  • Be measurable (money or numbers)
  • Be discriminating (to separate positive from negative situations)

Which three components of the filtering process are there?

  • The pre-filter
  • Filter 1 (rough investigation)
  • Filter 2 (detailed investigation)

What possible criteria of the pre-filter are there?

  1. Import restrictions and import rates
  2. Transport costs
  3. Risk of calamity and common sense
  4. Level of prosperity
  5. Motive for internationalization
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What criteria of filter 1 (rough investigation) are there?

text-decorationPolitical environment
  1. Risk trade
    - Corruption (Corruption Index = CPI)
    - Political stability
  2. Trade relations

text-decorationEconomic statistics
  1. GDP = rough indicator of the market's size
    - GDP per capita
    - GDP growth
  2. Consumption
  3. Sectoral structure
  4. Inflation
  5. Exchange rate
  6. Export statistics
  7. Demographic data
    - Population size & growth
    - Life expectancy at birth
    - Number of inhabitant per doctor
    - Urbanization and population density
    - Level of education
    - Language barriers
  8. Cultural differences

text-decorationClimatological and topographical factors
  1. Climate
  2. Distance

  1. Experts
  2. Unforeseen

What criteria of filter 2 (detailed investigation) are there?

  1. Market data
    - Estimated market size
    - Market growth
    - Distribution
    - Typical terms of payment
    - Environmental legislation
    - Geographical grouping of potential clients
    - Availability of local marketing statistics & data

  2. Import restrictions
    - Tariff-linked barriers
    - Non-tariff-linked barriers (NTBs)
       > Limit the quantity of imported goods (e.g. import quota {VER})
       > Impose restrictions on the quality
       > Regulatory barriers concerning packaging/labelling, quality and safety, health and increasing often,
           environmental concerns
       > Governmental regulations (advertising, promotion, anti-dumping measures, bureaucracy/red tape

  3. Competition

  4. Trade promotion
    - Financial aid
    - Assistance in opening up markets
    - Organization of trade missions

  5. Product requirements

  6. Unforeseen

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