Choosing an entry strategy - Indirect export

18 important questions on Choosing an entry strategy - Indirect export

Which methods are the most common employed in indirect export?

  • The agent
  • The importing re-seller and/or wholesale dealer
  • The trading house/wholesale dealer
  • Piggy-backing
  • Joint selling
  • The export combination
  • The international joint venture

What must the agreement with an agent specify?

  1. The goods to which it applies
  2. The region (area)
  3. The conditions of exclusivity
  4. The clientele
  5. The rights and duties of the principal and the agent
  6. The agreement in restraint of trade
  7. Any possible secrecy
  8. The action to be taken in case of insolvent customers
  9. The conditions of sale
  10. The procedure for resolving conflict in law
  11. Industrial rights
  12. A guaranteed minimum income
  13. Etc.

What advantages and disadvantages are there when looking at an agent?

One of the risks is the very limited extent to which the principal can influence the way in which the agent works the market. On the other hand, the risk is limited because of the small investment the principal has to make. This said, though, the principal will have a greater chance of success if he assumes a more active position in relation to the agent and works the market with him.
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Why is 'agent' the most popular form of distribution?

Most companies START working a new market with an agent. This entry strategy fits neatly into the first phase of internationalization.

What is an importing re-seller and/or wholesale dealer?

They buy goods for their own account and at his own risk. They subsequently pass them on to a wholesale dealer in their own country. With this entry strategy the exporting company has little or no control. It is unknown to the company who eventually buys its products or what is done with them.

What's the difference between an agent and a importer/re-seller (distributor)?

The distributor sells the products of the exporterThe distributor trades under his own nameThe distributor trades at his own risk and expenseThe distributor keeps products in stock

Name an disadvantage of an importer/re-seller (distributor)

The law is most countries does not provide for special regulations for distributorship.

Which four types of agreement with the importer may the exporter conclude?

  1. Distribution agreement (no limit competition)
  2. Exclusive re-selling agreement (exporter only sells to this re-seller)
  3. Exclusive purchase agreement (re-seller only buys from this exporter)
  4. Selective distribution agreement (only distributors who meet certain standards sell the products)

Name the advantages of a trading house/ wholesale dealer

  • Quicker turnover on markets that are otherwise difficult to enter
  • They know the local markets (savings on marketing costs)
  • Greater chance of guaranteed turnover
  • Because they know the local market, they are able to adapt to changes

Name the disadvantages of a trading house/ wholesale dealer

  • No control over the turnover
  • The exporter can't expect extra attention for certain products

Name the advantages of piggy-backing for the rider

  • Lower costs
  • Benefiting from carrier's market expertise
  • Maximum control since he takes care of his own marketing plan

What is joint selling?

It is a sort of piggy-backing, only a company in one country uses the sales organization of a foreign company for its export. This foreign country, in its return, uses the sales organization of the other company for its exports. This is often a matter of an exchange of product ranges.

Name the advantages of joint selling

  • Lower cost price
  • Independence of the partners
  • Few financial demands
  • Quick access to the foreign market

Name a disadvantage of joint selling

The exporter has no influence on how the foreign market is worked, because the other part is responsible for this.

What is an export combination?

This is a form of cooperation between a limited number of companies which, together, form a 'central body' to which the participating companies represent one or more export functions like:

  • market research
  • establishing contacts with agents, wholesalers and large customers
  • making export marketing strategy

What is an international joint venture?

This is a strategic alliance between two ore more companies from more than one country which remain independent.

Why would companies choose for starting a joint venture?

  • Fast entry into new markets
  • Lowering of production costs
  • The need to develop new technology
  • Speeding up product introduction
  • Avoiding legal and trade barriers

Name two disadvantages of a joint venture

  • Often loss of control (can lead to loss of quality, high operating costs etc.)
  • Legally complex

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