Exporting, a structural approach - The Perlmutter theory and the process of internationalization - Motives for leaving the home market

6 important questions on Exporting, a structural approach - The Perlmutter theory and the process of internationalization - Motives for leaving the home market

What two sorts of motives are there to start exporting?

  1. Pro-active motives
  2. Reactive motives

Which pro-active motives are there to start exporting?

  • Company's objectives and management culture
  • Objectives for growth and continuity
  • Technological competences/(unique product) suitable for internationalization
  • Opportunities in foreign market obtained through market information
  • Economies of scale/standardization
  • Tax benefits

Which reactive motives are there to start exporting?

  • Response to competition
  • Home market too small or saturated
  • Overproduction/overcapacity
  • Incidental, unexpected orders
  • Sale of superfluous seasonal products
  • Attracting new customers
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According to Franklin Root, which criteria shoot a multinational meet?

  • It has production centres abroad
  • It has a differentiated international marketing policy
  • Its business strategy in respect of production, marketing, finance and personnel goes beyond national borders

What is a characteristic feature of a multinational according to Root?

The place of the head office is not determined by the country where it has been established, but by the market(s) that it focuses on.

Which phases does Root distinguish in the process of internationalization?

  1. Exporting (partner abroad, expanding foreign sales, production centres moving abroad)
  2. Manufacturing abroad (sales office abroad, production abroad)
  3. Own production facilities & independent branches
  4. Where should most of the sales and production be carried out? (home market or foreign market?)
  5. Foreign Direct Investment (the company become multinational)
  6. Global integration (Expansion: acquisitions & mergers)

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