Choosing an entry strategy - Methods of exporting and entry strategies - Starting points for an entry strategy

4 important questions on Choosing an entry strategy - Methods of exporting and entry strategies - Starting points for an entry strategy

By which three principles can companies be led when selecting sales channels?

Naive principle (same entry strategy for all markets worldwide)

Pragmatic principle (workable entry strategy for each foreign markets)Strategic principle (strategy which is based on a sales channel that fits in with the company's market objectives)

Which two ways are there in approaching foreign markets and what's the difference?

Sales approach (SHORT TERM)Entry strategy approach (LONG TERM)

Difference: Companies which choose an entry strategy approach have gone through a more structured process of internationalization.

Name the advantages of direct exporting

  • Better control
  • Higher profits
  • Close relationship with your customer
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Name the disadvantages of direct exporting

  • Expensive
  • Organizational changes needed
  • Education of people (languages)

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