Export, logistics and custom policy - Logistics at the operational level - Transport modalities

7 important questions on Export, logistics and custom policy - Logistics at the operational level - Transport modalities

What are the advantages of road transport?

  • Reach
  • Office
  • Specialization
  • Standardization
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Controllability

Name 3 disadvantages of road transport

  1. Polution
  2. Traffic congestion
  3. Transit problems

What are the advantages of rail transport?

  • Railway company controls the traffic flow
  • Limited damage to the environment
  • Particular suitability to bulk goods
  • Man types of wagons for special transport needs
  • Relatively high speeds
  • Less vulnerable
  • Transhipments can be limited by combined rail/road transport options (cars/truck on a train)
  • Natural obstacles are obviated by tunnels
  • National rail systems are often harmonized
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What are the advantages of inland shipping?

  • Suitable for transport of large volumes over great distances
  • Transit can take place without hindrance during an entire 24 hour period

Which two systems can be identified in the organization of seagoing shipping?

  1. Liner trade (fixed routes)
  2. Tramp shipping (on the basis of a contract)

What are the advantages of (pipe)lines/cables?

  • Limited damage to the environment
  • Low risk of accidents
  • They relieve traffic
  • They can be used continuously

Name two types of users when it comes to airfreight

  1. The planned user
  2. The emergency user

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