Functional brain development and cognitive development

3 important questions on Functional brain development and cognitive development

What is fMRI and how does it measure brain activity?

- Functional MRI (fMRI) indirectly measures brain activity by looking at blood-oxygen level.
- Activity in a brain region leads to an inflow of fresh, oxygen-rich blood.
- It measures the after-effect of the activity known as the BOLD-signal.

How is the BOLD-signal related to brain activity measured by fMRI?

- BOLD-signal is the increase in MRI-signal relative to the deoxygenated region.
- Activity in the brain region causes an increase in the BOLD-signal.

How can relevant information about brain activity be extracted using fMRI?

- Relevant information can be filtered using a control condition method.
- Example: comparing 30 seconds of finger tapping with eyes open to 30 seconds without finger tapping with eyes open.

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