Self-determination theory

5 important questions on Self-determination theory

What is the self-determination theory and what is the closest extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation according to this theory?

- The self-determination theory is a rich theory within humanistic psychology
- Integrated regulation: one does it because one values it, out of free will

What are the three basic psychological needs identified in the self-determination theory that are crucial for motivation?

- Autonomy: opportunity to make choices
- Competence: clear expectations, achievable challenges
- Social relatedness: engagement, warm care, shared interests

Why may intrinsic motivation drop in high school according to the self-determination theory?

- Need for autonomy increases in adolescence but is often unmet
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According to the self-determination theory, what are the types of motivational drive associated with different forms of regulation?

- External regulation: rewards, punishments, expectations
- Introjected regulation: guilt, shame, internal pressure
- Identified regulation: personal value
- Intrinsic regulation: enjoyment, interest

How does the self-determination theory differentiate between controlled and autonomous motivation based on underlying emotions?

- Controlled motivation: stress, pressure
- Autonomous motivation: willingness, volition, freedom

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