Reciprocal influence, individual variability and parenting styles

5 important questions on Reciprocal influence, individual variability and parenting styles

What is the concept of reciprocal influence in parent-adolescent relationships?

- Parents influence their adolescent child, and vice versa
- It involves not only parenting styles but also the temperament of the adolescent child
- Individual variability exists in determining the best parenting style

What are the characteristics of an authoritarian parenting style?

- Adult-centered, autocratic, and rigid
- Strict rules and expectations with unilateral decision-making
- Little warmth, communication, and trust
- Expects obedience and enforces punitive punishment
- Discourages open communication

What are the attributes of an authoritative parenting style?

- Child-centered, democratic, and flexible
- Establishes firm guidelines with adolescent involvement in decision-making
- Warm, accepting, and trusting with monitoring
- Supports assertiveness, responsiveness, and self-regulation
- Encourages psychological autonomy
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What does an indifferent parenting style entail?

- Adult-centered, passive, and dismissing
- Poses few demands on the adolescent and lacks communication
- Does not monitor or supervise behavior
- Exhibits detachment, distance, and absence

What are the characteristics of an indulgent parenting style?

- Child-centered, indulgent, and appeasing
- Lacks guidelines, is nondirective, and avoids confrontation
- Rarely disciplines adolescent with warmth and nurturing
- Overinvolved, blurs roles, and has few expectations

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