Impact on mental health

6 important questions on Impact on mental health

Why is awareness considered important in emotional regulation according to Gratz and Roemer?

- It is important to know what one FEELS in their BODY to recognize an emotion.
- Lack of awareness can negatively impact WELL-BEING.

What does the aspect of understanding focus on in emotional regulation, as stated by Gratz and Roemer?

- Understanding entails knowing where emotional states COME FROM.
- It involves linking emotions with specific EXPERIENCES/CONTEXTS to be emotionally skillful.

How does acceptance play a role in emotional regulation, according to Gratz and Roemer?

- Acceptance involves letting emotions BE present, even in uncomfortable situations.
- It means allowing emotions to exist without RESISTANCE.
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In the context of obtaining goals, how does emotion regulation relate to achieving them according to Gratz and Roemer?

- Emotion regulation should be conducive to OBTAINING GOALS, like studying for exams with manageable anxiety.
- Inhibiting impulsive behavior that hinders goal achievement is a valuable skill.

Why is the willingness to tolerate negative emotions considered important in emotional regulation, according to Gratz and Roemer?

- The ability to tolerate negative emotions, like suppressing anger or anxiety, is under pressure.
- Intolerance of negative emotions may be rooted in PARENTAL behavior.

What risk do individuals face if they do not master the skills mentioned by Gratz and Roemer in emotional regulation?

- Failure to master emotional regulation skills increases the risk of developing MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS or illness.

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