School behaviors

5 important questions on School behaviors

What are the types of behaviors indicated in the SCHOOL BEHAVIORS pyramid?

- Appropriate, positive, engaged behaviors
- Marginally acceptable behaviors
- School violence, disruption, and problem behaviors

What specific types of problem behaviors are detailed in the SCHOOL VIOLENCE, PROBLEM BEHAVIORS pyramid?

- School bullying
- Theft, vandalism
- Serious violence

What are the criteria that define school bullying?

- Intentional (not an accident)
- Repeated (not a single incident)
- Power imbalance (bully is more powerful)
- Can take any form (physical, verbal, online)
- Can be about any content (e.g., due to gender)
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At what age does school bullying usually take place?

- Between 10-15 years old
- Can also occur before/after this age

What percentage of students are involved in school bullying as victims and bullies?

- 35 percent as victims
- 35 percent as bullies

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