Distinguishing between intense and problematic social media use

3 important questions on Distinguishing between intense and problematic social media use

What distinctions have recent studies made between intense and problematic social media use?

- Intense and problematic social media use have been used interchangeably but are moderately correlated.
- They do not always overlap.
- Most adolescents who use social media a lot do not show signs of problematic social media use.

What was found regarding intense social media use and problematic social media use in recent studies?

- Intense social media use is associated with higher friend support.
- Problematic social media use is linked to lower well-being and mental health.

What effects were observed in longitudinal research on intense and problematic social media use?

- Intense social media use has nuanced and heterogeneous effects over time.
- Problematic social media use shows decreased well-being over time.

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