Acute Coronary Syndromes

13 important questions on Acute Coronary Syndromes

How is the non - ST elevation ACS defined?

untable AP and NSTEMI

What are risk factors for coronary Artery disease? (11)

Fm history
other vascular disease
sedentary lifestyle

What is the DD of prolonged chest pain?

acute MI
Aortic dissection
GI disoreder
Pulmonary disaeses
hyperventilation syndrome
aortic stenois
costochondrail pain
psychogenic pain
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What can be heart on examination during episodes of pain?

heart sound (s4)

In women, and diabetic patients ACS should be considered in?

New onset shortness of breatch
New left bunlde branche block

What is characteristic of NOT-ST elevation ACS on the ECG?

ST segment depression in lead v 6

How is the treatment algorithm in NON - ST -elevation ACS

anti-ischemic: ntroglycerin
analgesic: morphine
Antiplatel: aspirin + clopidogrel or ticagrelor
Anti coagulant: Heparin ( LMWH)
Consider PCI during RISK stratification.   
Beta blokker should be started in 24 hours without any contra indications ( after stabilization).
ACE <24 hours if systloic >100

What are the contra indications to b blocker use in ACS?

HR < 50
> moderate left ventricular dysfuncitoin
shock or increased risk of cardiogenic shock
AV block ( 1e degree ) PR >0.24 sec
Systolic < 90
active Asthma or COPD

What are the high risk indicators for an early invasive approach in non -ST elevation ACS?

Refractory angina
recurrent angina at rest
hemodynamic instability
heart failure
worsening mitral regurgitation
VT or VF
High TIMI or GRACE score
New ST-segment depression?

What does s4 sound indicate?

dedreased left venriculair compliance at the end of ventricular filling.

What is indicated in an inferior STEMI to determine ST-segment elevation?

Right sided ECG

What is the treatment of cardiogenic shock?

if systolic > 100 give vasodilator ( ntriglycerin )
In the case of inadequate CO --> dobutamine.
< 90 and low CO --> norepinephrine to raise RR, later dobutamine can be added and to reduce the dosage of norepineprhine

How can you treed  AV block I and II first degree?


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