Diagnosis and Management of Shock - General principles of shock management

16 important questions on Diagnosis and Management of Shock - General principles of shock management

What are the first and second goals of shock therapy?

1) achieve minimum blood pressure
2) improve oxygen delivery

Four components of shock therapy?

  1. Treatment of etiology
  2. Restoration of perfusion
  3. Monitoring
  4. Supportive Care

In the initial resuscitation fluid is given untill...

There's no longer a response e.g. No resolution of tachycardia, change in blood pressure > the patient is euvolemic > you should start vasoactive drugs
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What is the effect of dopamine on urine output, HR & BP?

UO: increased in low doses (1-5)
HR: increased in intermediate doses (6-10)
BP: increased in higher doses (>10)

For even higher dosis nor is better, dopamine might cause arrhythmias.

What is the dose range and eenheid of dopamine?

1-20 um/kg/min

What is the effect of nor on HR & BP?

HR: +
BP: ++++ (alfa!)

With increasing AL en BP, CO might decreases
Improves renal blood flow
Increase in HR is uncommon

What is the effect of epi on HR & BP?

HR: ++++
BP: +++ (beta2) > vasoconstrictor at higher doses

Side effects of epi? (2)

Increase myocardial oxygen consumption
Aerobic lactate producation (instead of hypoperfusion-induced)

What is the effect of fenylepifrine on HR & BP?

HR: /
BP +++ (alfa)

pure alfa > arterial dilation without cardiac depression > e.g. Neurogenic shock or hypotension by epidural anesthetic

What is the dose range and eenheid of fenylepifrine?

25-300 ug/min

What is the effect of vasopressin on HR & BP?

HR: /
BP: potent (V1 receptor)

Indication: refractory hypotensive shock

What is the effect of dobutamine on HR & BP?

HR: +++ / ++++++ (a.k.a. Tachycardia in hypovolemic)
BP: ++ (beta2) / --- in hypovolemic

Inotrope > increase CO/stroke volume

What is the effect of milrinone on HR & BP?

HR: +++
BP: +++ (beta 2) / beta2 = dilatation > don't kill hypovolemic patients

> CO > stroke volume

Priorities in septic shock (5-6)

- volume (sec. vasopressor (nor > epi)
- AB
- control infection (catheter removal, surgery, drainage etc)
- lactate
- cortico's (200 mg/24u)

in case of myocardial dysfunction: dobutamine

Priorities in anaphylactic shock (2-3)

- volume
- subcutaneous epi

very low BP: IV epi

Priorities in adrenal insufficiency (3)

- volume
- IV cortico
- vasoactive med if needed

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